Monday, February 2, 2009

Pan's Tale

Ages come and go, ceaselessly without fail,

History and prophecy the lives of mankind's tales.

And lo another story starts to flow

As across the land the wind doth blow...

The wind was a breeze really, and barely enough to cool young Pan. He was standing with a dozen other sweating boys, squinting in the scorching sun. The Heat of the sun seemed to be getting stronger and hotter every year, and today's Midsummer Day was even more unbearable than most. It didn't help either that he Pan was being forced to sing. He hated singing.

"Now, again from the top, Princely hopefuls!" Zimri was the oldest old man Pan had ever seen, and yet as frail as he seemed, the Heat didn't seem to be affecting him at all. His black jacket was closed, his shirt buttoned to the top, and not a drop of sweat was on his ancient white brow. He raised his conductor's baton once again, and with a sweeping motion started singing. His sonorously deep voice contrasted so strongly with the cracking of the boys as they tried their best to sing along.

My heart's been waiting

For the Love of my Life,

A princess is out there

Who'll be my wife...

And when will I find her I ask of you?

My one true Happily Ever After...

Zimri held the tone with magnificent precision, but the teens were less than perfect. Zimri shook his head with equal parts sadness and disappointment. There was a time when young Pre-Princes wanted to learn how to sing... these boys just didn't seem to care - they were so much more interested in sword fighting, riding horses, and killing dragons than learning about singing... and don’t even get started on their interest in dancing! As Zimri heard the last traces of his note fade away to the upper reaches of the Castle Triton's courtyard walls, it was suddenly picked up by the sweetest breath of honey Zimri had heard in a long time. Young Perfora was entering the courtyard, and it seemed the Heat could not touch her either. She was the best Pre-Princess pupil any of the teachers at Triton Castle had seen in a long while – and she was beautiful… the boys equally lost their tongues and couldn’t keep quiet around her. Her golden hair was perfectly curled, framing her perfectly beautiful round face. Her perfect blue eyes twinkled as she twirled her pink dress as she spun, and her voice was like the pure perfect sugar as she sang...

My heart's been waiting

Can’t you all see,

For a knight who'll come

To rescue me

And I can't wait for when my Love so true....

Will lead me to Happily Ever After...

She gave a little giggle as she walked past the group of staring boys. She tossed her hair with practiced skill, and pouted her mouth as she put her hands on her hips. Her favorite course this term was definitely Flouncing and Flirting Class.

"Now, I really must have an escort as I walk to my next class. Which of you boys will be so kind?"

A couple of the boys clambered over each other as they raced to take hold of Perfora's arm, ready to walk with her to wherever she was going – be it class or the ends of the earth. Pan looked after them, and felt not even the slightest pang of envy.

"I really don't get it," Pan said to one of the boys next to him. "What’s the big deal with all this singing and dancing and boring artsy stuff we have to do? All so that what, we can be dragged along by girls like Perfora? I mean, she's beautiful, yes, but she's so... so..."

"Boring?" One of the boys talking to Pan laughed.

“Stuck up?” Another boy sniggered. He put his hands on his hips, lifted his eyes to the heavens, and raised his voice a few octaves, “Oh I really must get a brain one of these days, or I simply shall never be able to get a Prince. And then what ever would I do?”

One boy stood up for her. “Sure she's really not the brightest Princess in training I've met. Like there is such a thing, right? But Pan, that's why we're here at Triton Castle - to learn to be Princes so that we can live Happily Ever After with our One True Love. I can't wait until I rescue my Princess from her Tower!"

Pan hated it when people talked about One True Loves, Happily Ever Afters, True Love's First Kisses, and all sorts of those other things that meant so little to him. It was all make believe story book stuff anyways, and Pan was convinced that people who couldn’t see it that way were either trying to sell something or severely troubled in the brain. And besides, Pan was different from all the rest of the young princes-to-be. He wasn't royalty; not even close. In fact, Pan didn't even know who his parents were... Triton Castle was all he'd ever known and his earliest memory. Some said that Zimri himself had found Pan out in the forest and had brought him to Triton, but no one knew for sure. What was known was he was enrolled in the Pre-Prince program, where the early years had been great; Pan was amazing at horseback riding, at fencing, hunting, tracking, and even the simulated Dragon hunts. It was only of late when classes began focusing more on singing, poetry, and the dreaded dancing that Pan started to think that the life of a Prince wasn't for him. It had all been so exciting and adventurous at first; now, everything was so scripted and expected... there was no mystery in any of it at all.

As Perfora’s lingering presence finally passed, the students noticed that the ancient Zimri had managed to fall asleep while standing yet again; there was nothing left to do but dismiss themselves from singing class. There was no use lingering in the sweltering Heat any longer than necessary. As the boys milled around Pan walked aimlessly, but then brightened when he remembering that a guest lecturer was coming to their fencing class tomorrow. Apparently some famous Prince was going to teach them about real swordsmanship. In fact, he was so preoccupied with dreams of tomorrow’s class that it took him a second to realize how strange it was that while one second he had been walking, the next found him lying face up in the grass with a very sore shoulder.

“Hi Pan”. A mischievously grinning face was hovering over Pan. Her short brown hair hung down around her angled face as she moved to stand over him. Her green eyes were grinning too, and her little nose was wiggling just slightly like it always did when Lil was trying hard not to burst out laughing. Lil stood up and tucked her boy’s shirt into the trousers she always wore, and put her hands on her hips. “You know, you’ve got a long way to go to being a Prince if a little girl can still tackle you.” She pulled back a sleeve on her slender arm to flex her muscle; she was still trying so hard not to laugh. And so was Pan. She put out a hand to help Pan up, and Pan saw his chance.

Putting a mask of mock defeat on his face, he took Lil’s hand but twisted around at the last second so that it was she who was now suddenly flying through the air. With a little yelp she tumbled almost gracefully, and soon both of their laughter filled the courtyard as the two friends were standing up, dusting themselves off. Some of the other boys yelled encouraging words to either Pan or Lil over their shoulders, and Zimri almost stirred from his sleep. Lil was actually one girl Pan could stand to be around. She was an orphan like him, but rather than being enrolled at Triton Castle’s Pre-Princess program, Lil worked with the horses – her true passion. And, cementing her friendship with Pan was the fact that she shared the same sort of disdain for the Pre-Princess students like Perfora. Needless to say, the other females didn’t really like her much either. They would always speak so sweetly to her face, and then whisper words of venom about how she was so like a boy, what with the way she dressed and kept her hair ever so short. At first Lil tried to explain the difficulties of working with wild horses wearing a fancy dress or long hair, but recently she would just smile and say how very pretty they all where and that they simply must teach her how to dress and wear makeup someday.

“So, there’s some sort of guest lecturer in fencing tomorrow,” Pan said excitedly to Lil as they joined the crowds of boys and girls walking to the Great Hall for evening meal. “You should totally come! You know Lance would let you drop in on his class. Besides, you’re a better swordsman than most of the boys.”

“Swords-woman Pan. And I just might have to do that. See you tomorrow then!” She shot him a smile and a punch on the arm as they entered the Great Hall, and she ran off to join the servants’ table. Pan took his seat with his fellow Pre-Prince classmates, and dug messily into his food with voracious hunger.

In quiet contrast to the two handed feeding frenzy of the boys, tables like Perfora’s were controlled, quiet examples of etiquette. Silverware clinked softly on china; crystal rung as glasses were raised and lowered. The young women looked regal in exquisite dresses in all sorts of pale blues, yellows, and greens. Each of them had exquisite hair and makeup. Each was chatting politely and quietly to their neighbors, and each always had a napkin at the ready to catch the slightest spill or mess.

“So, I simply cannot decide on which Tower to choose!” Perfora in her pink dress was commanding the attention of the girls around her. “Graduation is coming soon, and we’ll have to decide what Tower to wait in until our One True Love comes to rescue us. I really cannot choose between the Dragon Tower, the Tower of Fire, or the Island Tower.”

“Well, I wouldn’t be caught dead in any tower with dragons or fire,” one beautiful Pre-Princess in green was saying gracefully, “just think of what that heat would do to your hair !”

There were nods and sounds of agreement from around the table, but Perfora tossed her head irritably and remarked, “Don’t be silly; the Towers we live in are magic, there’s no danger to us. Weren’t you paying attention in Distressed Damsels class? I just want to make sure of the Prince I want to attract, someone daring or cunning… and then we can live Happily Ever After!”

At a table on the other side of the Great Hall, Pan was talking around a mouthful of meat and gesturing with his fork and knife. “The thing I don’t get about Happily Ever After, if there even is such a thing, is where’s the fun? So yeah, you fight a dragon, climb the tower, rescue the Princes; that all sounds like a blast. But then what? A life of singing, poetry, painting, and dancing?” He shuddered. “I don’t think so. Sounds pretty boring to me…”

“But these boys are such… such… boys,” Back at the women’s table, Perfora was genuinely concerned. “My step-mum told me that she met her prince at school, but all these Princes in training are so childish. All they want to do is fence and ride horses and hunt. I hope One Day My Prince Will Come. Oh, I simply cannot wait for the day! He’ll write me songs and we’ll dance all day long everyday! Oh! Dancing! Ladies, have you heard the news? We’ll be dancing tomorrow in class! I simply cannot wait!”

“Oh but guys,” Pan was gesturing with a turkey leg, his eyes shining in anticipation. “We’ll be doing real live fencing tomorrow in class. I can’t wait!” A dozen full mouths made equally excited noises, and soon all talk gave way to the real mission at hand.

Dinner was soon over, and the young Pre-Princes and Pre-Princesses made their ways back to their rooms for sleep. Tomorrow promised exciting classes for both Pan and Perfora; sleep came slowly for each of them as they lay in anticipation of the next day.


“I can’t believe we have to dance…” Pan was standing in a half circle of nervous looking Princes in training, trying to look everywhere but at the half circle of beautiful Princess to be’s standing across from them. The tables had been stacked in the corners of the Great Hall (the Heat had grown again today, and it wasn’t safe to be outside), and Zimri and a half dozen other teachers walked around the room keeping any of the boys from acting on anything but their best behavior. Lil sat on top of one of the stacks of tables, her head resting on her knee, and watched the whole scene with a quiet grin. Pan looked over at her, begging her in his mind for her to create some sort of diversion so he could escape, but she only stuck her tongue out at him teasingly.

“Now young men!” The dance teacher was a plump Fairy Godmother with her hair in a bun. “The dance is an ever so graceful coupling between men and women. You must learn to feel the connection between you and your partner, to be very proper like the young gentlemen I know you are all trying to be. So, please step forward, take your lady’s hand, bow, and say ‘how do you do’”

Pan and the rest of the boys shuffled forward, took the hands of the women awkwardly, bobbed a bow that looked more like a twitch, and mumbled “howdyudo”. Pan looked up then to see a pair of crystal clear blue eyes set in a perfectly round face, curtained by perfectly curled golden hair, enhanced perfectly by a tiny wreath of pink flowers. Perfora dropped a curtsey in perfect unison with the rest of the girls in her line, and they seemed to speak as one with a clear and sweet, “How do you do?”

“Now men, take your right hand and hold her lightly behind the shoulder.” The Fairy Godmother was moving around the room repositioning the boy’s hands here, adjusting slouching stances there. “Good good! Now, just like we practiced: one step back, one step sideways, one step forward, and turn! Over and over again! Zimri, some music please?”

The old musician snapped awake from where he had been dozing, and began to sing in a deep and melodious voice.

Take your Princess by the hand,

Be sure to bring her along,

Lets all dance – don’t get the steps all wrong,

Twirl around and around like a magic fan,

As we sing this special dancing song!

It was much less than graceful. There was many a stepped on foot, many a stumbling embrace, but thankfully no one was seriously hurt. And what do you know, as time moved on, the couples actually began to get the dance. But Pan’s mind was elsewhere.

He was thinking about the special swordsmanship class later on that day. Dancing was so boring… after learning this one step, he found he didn’t even need to think about what he was doing as he repeated over and over again the same steps. It was so much simpler than any of the forms or footwork they learned in fencing. Perfora seemed to be enjoying herself though as she stepped enthusiastically to Zimri’s singing.

“Oh Pen!” she beamed. “Isn’t this so wonderful?

“It’s Pan. And no its not. Stop stepping on my feet.”

But Perfora was in her own little world, doing whatever she pleased. And she did look good, even if it was at the expense of Pan’s toes. She was spinning with such flourishes (seemingly oblivious to Pan’s patient lead), and the untrained eye would say she was doing quite well. Dance class went on and on, and Pan danced the same dance with partner after partner, until finally the castle’s chimes signified dance class was over.

“Thank goodness! Time for sword fighting!”


“As you no doubt have heard,” Lance, the Head of Arms Training was addressing his wide eyed Pre-Prince pupils, “we have a very special guest today. He’s an old friend of mine, and comes to us from a very Far, Far Away… Please give your respect to the ever fair, ever just, ever patient warrior - Art! He’s lived a full Prince’s life – found his One True Love, ran a Kingdom, and yet still never forgot how to use the blade.” Lance’s smile twitched briefly, and seemed forced as he embraced the other man. The meeting of their eyes was a cold stare that threatened to push away even the incessant Heat.

“How’s Gwen?” Lance’s lips barely moved, and his voice was barely a growl.

“Fine.” Art’s answer was little more than a whisper. He was a solid man, and the grey at his temples did nothing to hide his natural power and presence. Art’s face was weathered and strong, but his pale grey eyes held a sort of sadness that only comes with a lifetime of Love and Loss.

“Art is the finest swordsman around!” Lance had released his stare, and was addressing his students once again. “Listen closely to what he says; his knowledge and experience are truly impressive. Alright then, let’s break off now into groups…”

Soon the boys found themselves standing nervously in two half circles, facing each other. Each held his practice sword shakily in his hand, getting ready to do a much different type of dance than the kind they had endured just hours before. Lance and Art stood in the center of the circle explaining the drills and rules of today’s lesson. Pan looked across the circle to see who he’d be paired up with for the first part of today’s exercise, and was happy to see Lil’s green eyes winking at him from behind her sword.

“Just so you gentlemen can see what we mean, we shall now demonstrate.” Lance and Art squared off, their swords instantly at the ready. With perfect unison they stood up straight, raised their swords in salute to each other, and then returned to their crouching ready position, slowly circling each other and waiting for an opportunity to strike.

With a flash, the two figures met with blinding speed of both body and blade. The wilting grass between their feet was quickly trampled flat as the two men whirled and crashed into each other with a dynamic strength and grace that had all the boys staring intently. As suddenly as they had begun, the two men simultaneously separated, saluted, and turned to the two half circles of boys facing each other. “Now it’s your turn.”

Pan smiled nervously at Lil, and was glad to see that her normally confident grin was for once replaced with pursed lips that were just as intent and serious as he was. An eerie silence gave only the briefest of precursors to the intense clamor that followed; students tried their best to mimic and remember all of the teachings they had received this year; it was the only thing that could keep their partner at bay. Pan’s feet and hands moved so quickly they soon became a blur, and Lil matched them perfectly in time and rhythm. Back, sideways, forward, turning; around and around Pan and Lil moved, striking and blocking each other’s attempts to break guard. They soon had an audience, as first the other boys and then finally Lance and Art stood to watch the pair as they moved faster and faster together.

Art began to sing in a low, melancholy voice. Lance looking up sharply in surprise; then seemingly nodded assent to himself and joined in. No one else could hear them as they sung barely louder than a whisper, though oddly Pan and Lil seemed to step in perfect time to their melody.

A call goes out to the defenders of the land,

Who will be brave and come along?

Our swords will sing now the warrior’s song…

From the forest to the seas to the sand,

Take up arms to join your brothers strong!

“Hold!” Art stepped forward between the pair, who gladly welcomed the break and stood panting – thrilled with the exhilaration and exhausted from the effort. “Pan! Lil! Very well done. You’ve shown one of the key elements of the perfect engagement of the blade… that it truly is an engagement. You’ve both done well in feeling each other out; in understanding your opponent and becoming one with them will you find true success. You two must know each other quite well to be able to dance the blades like that…

Pan blushed and looked down as his fellow classmates jeered and whistled loudly.

“Yeah Pan, how well do you know little Lil!”

“Yes yes! Pan and Lil do spend a lot of time together, don’t they!”

“Now we know why Pan’s always talking so lowly about beautiful Perfora; he’s got short haired Lil on the mind!”

“Pan! Why didn’t you say you were so in love! Why don’t you go give her True Love’s First Kiss?”

And then Pan didn’t know why he said it. Perhaps it was because he’d always been an orphan, always wanted to belong. Maybe it was because he had just gone from being so admired at the blade a second ago to being made fun of now. Maybe it was because the Heat was getting to him. Who knows. But he said it.

“I don’t’ know what you guys are talking about. Lil just isn’t Princely material at all, is she; she’s just a mere stable girl!” Pan’s words caused the tense air to snap like a tightly pulled bowstring. Lil’s face crumbled for a second and then instantly hardened. Her green eyes were no longer grinning; instead, they were replaced with the dull shine of a star that has long since burnt itself out. The other boys laughed nervously and looked down at their feet; Lance was soon quickly calling for new drills and new partners, and dutifully Pan and the boys obeyed. Oddly enough, it was Art who seemed to take the whole outburst and interaction the worst… his grey eyes seemed to sink even further inward, and he did not pick up a practice sword for the rest of the afternoon. Neither Pan nor Lil caught each other’s eye for the rest of the session; neither did they ever square off to dance blades again. Before long, the Heat had become almost unbearable, and the boys found themselves saluting Art, returning their practice swords to the racks, and heading inside for evening meal. Pan lingered back to hopefully catch Lil on their way in, but she was in deep conversation with Art. Pan shook his head and followed his peers. He kept looking back, hoping to catch Lil’s eye, but she never looked up to see him. When she finally did turn away to walk back to her room, no one was lucky enough to hear her singing; no one heard the purest voice to ever grace this land.

Love is not what it seems,

Love can only kill your dreams…

There’s a fate I once pursued,

He’s killed it straight and true,

It’s not his dream…


Pan never saw Lil again while he was at Triton Castle; rumor had it that she had left with Art after his guest fencing lecture. Truth be told, in the years that followed she wasn’t really that missed - least of all by Perfora. “Well, she was such an odd little stable girl, wasn’t she? What with the way she dressed, and oh, her hair, it was ever so short and, well, it was such like a boy’s. She had potential, that one, but she’ll never be like us, oh will she, sisters?” Perfora was again engaging a group of beautiful Pre-Princesses as they gathered one last time before their most anticipated moment: Tower Selection and Graduation. “Oh, and I do think I have decided what Tower I’m choosing. It’ll most definitely have to be the Dragon Tower. Oh how I do want a Prince who is oh so strong and brave!” Where Perfora had just been sitting was suddenly a mass of pastel dresses and curled hair embracing and congratulating her.

“Oh I am ever so happy for you!”

“Perfora, I wish you all of the very best!”

“Oh Perfora, I do hope you find the most amazing Prince who can sing, and dance, and oh!

In another room of Triton Castle - safe from the ever sweltering Heat - the boys, no; young men now, were as nervous as the women were excited. Their anticipation of the unknown found them giving last minute advice to each other before they rode on their mission to find their Happily Ever After.

“Right then chaps, ride hard and strong through the Forests of Fear, and don’t eat any apples!”

“And don’t believe the Wood Nymphs, no matter what they say!”

“Don’t take too long dealing with the Ogres; they’re stupid and slow. But watch out for the pirates!”

“And if you meet a Dragon…” Pan was so nervous he felt sick, but he still spoke with an excited fervor. “…if you meet a Dragon, you must be sure to stare it in the eye while you drive you sword into its heart; that’s the only way to defeat one!”

Each of the young men were dressed in shining armor, their swords sharpened and ready at their sides. They had gone through every course that the Triton Pre-Prince program had in store for them, and they were ready – ready to face all sorts of mortal danger in the hopes of finding their One True Love and living Happily Ever After. And soon they would ride. The door to the small room opened, and a silence fell across the young men. Lance entered the room and looked each young knight in the eye, silently giving his approval as he paced the floor.

“Today you become men!” His voice was deep and strong. “You’ll have the greatest adventure of your life – face the greatest of mortal dangers and rescue a Princess in distress. Your Happily Ever After begins today; enjoy it gentlemen!”

Filled with excitement for the adventure ahead, Pan for once forgot to think about how the rest of Happily Ever After was all singing and dancing. He raised his sword with his other peers and cheered the loudest of all.

Back with the young women, every pair of wide newly-made Princess eyes were staring up intently at the plump Fairy Godmother who was giving them last minute instructions.

“Now ladies! Each of you know in your heart where your True Love lies; if ever you lose hope, you must hold on to your hope that your Happily Ever After is soon to come! No matter what may happen to you, you must believe that nothing is more powerful that your True Love’s First Kiss. Now! Hold in your minds the Tower you wish to go to, and the face of your One True Love who will rescue you. And remember, when your Prince defeats all sorts of evil and shows such great bravery and arrives at the door of your Tower, you must remember all you’ve learned so you can make him fall so Deeply In Love.” The Fairy Godmother’s eyes shone with pride as she looked each Princess in the eye, silently giving her approval as she paced the floor. With a final stern smile, she clapped both hands twice, causing more than a few girls to instinctively stand up straight and fix their dresses. “Alright then ladies! Blithe Smiles and Lithe Limbs! Here’s to your Happily Ever After!”

And with the sound of a thousand church bells ringing in the Spring Time Wind, the ladies disappeared in a cloud of rose scented pastel smoke, each Magically carried to their Tower of choice, ready to wait for their One True Love to rescue them. Just outside in the courtyard of Triton Castle, the thunderous clamor of hooves announced the bravery and heroism of the young Princess as they rode out to seek their destiny, live their adventure, and rescue their One True Love.


“Can you believe this news?”

“It’s unheard of! Preposterous!”

“It cannot be! There is no way!”

Pandemonium had erupted in the Great Hall of Triton Castle. An emergency meeting had been called, and each of the teachers was reacting to the shocking news that was coming in from messengers from every corner of the Land: Princes and Princess were dying on their Adventures. Since the dawn of Time, as long as anyone could remember, the Adventures to find Happily Ever Afters had always been protected by the Magic of the land. The same Magic that kept Princesses safe in their Towers kept Princes from harm on their quests as well. But now it was changing… Princesses were dying in their Towers, and Princes were losing mortal battles with Ogres, Wolves, and Dragons. The greatest sages throughout the Land had their theories on what was happening; most blamed the Heat, saying it was breaking down the natural protections. Whatever it was, it was making what was normally a sacred and safe fact of life a very real threat.

“The elves report two more Princes felled by Dragons!”

“The dwarves give word that four of our Princesses have withered away in their Towers!”

“How can this be? The Magic has always held them safely!”

“Is young Perfora safe? How is she?”

Perfora, actually, was quite safe for the moment. She was very hot, yes, as the Heat pounded mercilessly on her Tower. And she was scared, as the Dragon outside was very real and very menacing. But she had Hope that her One True Love was coming soon, and so long as she clung to that, she felt as though she could survive another day. But she did wish that he would come soon…

Pan, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. He was much better suited to the adventurous life than some of his more, well, Princely peers. He had braved all sorts of dangers – Extremely Large Four Legged Vermin, man-eating forests, a couple of Sphinxes, countless Trolls, all just to name a few – and was triumphing through it all. Sure the Heat seemed to be especially harsh and was riling up the beasts quite a bit, but it was all what Pan had been trained to do. He wouldn’t change it for the world. But before long, the inevitable happened. He crested a hill and saw a tower coming into focus in the distance; that meant just one more battle before Happily Ever After. His sigh held a tinge of regret as he knew this part of the adventure would soon be over. The blood curdling scream of the most voracious, Heat maddened Dragon that anyone had ever heard soon brought a smile to Pan’s lips though.

For a second Perfora forgot the Heat and an equally bright smile lit up her face. What was merely a speck on the horizon was what she’d been waiting her whole life for; a Knight was fast approaching! Her smile was soon replaced with a shocked scream as the Tower window was filled for a moment with scales and teeth. She had never seen a real Dragon so close before, and all the hatred in the world filled its eyes as it seemed to stare for hours deep into Perfora’s soul. But in just an instant the beast was gone, beating its massive wings and streaking out towards the brave Knight with whom it would soon dance in battle with.

Now this was a challenge. Pan’s smile faded into concentration, and survival became the priority. Pan’s horse was long since dead – the Dragon had seen to that early in the fight – but Pan was proving to be a much more worthy opponent. Both beast and man had managed to score damage on each other, and while the Dragon was growing impatient – it was used to quick and decisive victories – Pan was biding his time, waiting for the Dragon to make a mistake. Flurries of wings met precise strikes of the sword; and while fiery breath scorched the countryside, Pan was managing to remain un-singed. But Pan was tiring. He had ridden for many weeks and battled countless monsters before this one. As the hours dragged on, Pan realized that even if fresh, no human can outlast a full sized Dragon. And soon, the inevitable happened – his foot caught on a random rock, and he fell to his back. The Dragon was on him in an instant, eyes mad with the Heat and teeth dripping with the anticipation of victory. Panic began to rise in Pan’s heart, and he started to shut his eyes to face his end. He could feel the breath of the Dragon on him. He could smell the power of death, taste its rot. But what he saw and heard came unbidden from memories of Triton Castle.

I’m holding a practice sword. I’m smiling.

Lance is speaking. “…you’ve shown one of the key elements of the perfect engagement of the blade… that it truly is an engagement. You’ve both done well in feeling each other out; in understanding your opponent and becoming one with them will you find true success…”

Lil is holding a practice sword. She’s smiling. Her eyes are so green.

One with your opponent. Stare a Dragon in the eye, sword through its heart. That’s the only way. One with your opponent. Sword through its heart. Her eyes are so green…

Pan’s eyes shot open and met the Dragon’s with a piercing stare, and in an instant the primal fury that drove the Dragon realized that it was facing its own mortal end. In an instant they were one; Pan saw what the Dragon saw. He saw how the Heat was driving all the monsters of the land to break the Magic protections that had held so long. He saw the deaths of countless Princes and Princesses, and the destruction of the old ways. He saw the source of the Heat. It came from… it came from the West. Far in the West. And it must be stopped. Everyone’s Happily Ever After depended on it.

And then it was over. Pan didn’t even remember driving his sword through the Dragon’s heart; their eyes were still locked as the fire of madness and Heat faded away from the beast’s eyes.

Pan’s mind was on other things as he climbed the stairs to the Tower. Perfora really was quite lovely as she stood there in all her beauty. And she really did do all the right things as she was taught: her hair was beautifully curled, her head tilted just so, her lips slightly apart, and her eyes shone like stars.

“Oh Pan! You were ever so brave to defeat that horrible creature! How can I ever repay you? Because well, well Pan, my heart… its been waiting…”

My heart's been waiting

Can’t you all see,

For a knight who'll come

To rescue me

And I can't wait for when my Love so true....

The air was silent as Perfora looking up at Pan expectantly, nodding her head to invite him to finish their song. But Pan whispered something completely different:

All is not what it seems,

It’ll soon kill our dreams…

There’s a fate I once pursued,

Now I know it’s not true.

I’ve got a new dream…

The silence was deafening. Perfora’s face started to falter, but she just barely managed to keep her sweet smile shining through tears. Pan’s mind was reeling. He had to stop the Heat from destroying their land. He must stop these monsters from hurting more people. The Magic must be restored; he must go West.

Perfora’s smile finally faded. It was replaced with shock and horror, and as Pan turned and walked back down the stairs without saying a word she finally broke from her Princess-like calm. He could hear her frantic pleas echoing after him as he made his way out of the Tower. Desperation filled her voice as he turned and started walking West.

“But wait! I’m a Princess! You have to rescue me! That’s the way it goes! Where’s my Happily Ever After!


In the years that passed, things never really were quite the same. Fear drove people to leave their villages to live in larger cities; and even then they weren’t safe. Attacks from Evil Monsters were always increasing, only adding to the number of lives taken from the Heat. Princes and Princesses weren’t even allowed to seek their Adventures anymore after completing their training; and even though they tried to make do and forget the dreadful times with extravagant dances, balls, and feasts, over time even these festivities couldn’t hide the fact that things were seriously wrong, and that life for everyone – humans, elves, dwarves, princes, and farmers - was resembling a prison.

But there was hope. There were rumors and legends about a rogue band of Knights who were out to fight the Heat. They were camped in the West doing battle each and every day, and many a Castle and city were saved by these brave and valorous fighters. These saviors were shrouded in mystery though; they escaped just as swiftly as they appeared – always in the nick of time to save the day but never staying long enough to be recognized.

But Pan had found his calling at last. Traveling West after leaving Perfora’s tower, Pan faced countless Monsters, each more powerful and maddened by the Heat than the last - where once rare, Ogres, Giants, Trolls, and even Werewolves were now commonplace. But any and all types of monsters were falling each day to Pan’s sword. And even Dragons began to fear the legend of the lone Knight who was hell bent on traveling West to stop the Heat. Soon the word of Pan’s solitary efforts spread beyond the Monsters he was defeating, and it wasn’t long before he was approached.


Pan leaped to his feet, the lightest traces of sleep that he allowed himself to indulge in were falling quickly away as he drew his sword. How had he been surprised? He was never surprised.

Shadows began to take form around him, as men and women both stepped out of the trees and into the moonlight. Each person was armed, though their eyes held no malice for Pan. Their leader was speaking again.

“Pan. We’ve been following you for some days now. You fight well. The Monsters fear you. But you’ll get yourself killed if you keep on the way you’re going. The Heat is more powerful than you can imagine, and one dead legend won’t help our cause at all.”

The moonlight caused the speaker’s cold grey eyes to shine, outlining his powerful jaw and graying temples. As Pan’s eyes began to focus, a rush of relief rose in his heart as he recognized the man at once from his days at Triton Castle.

“Art! Everything I’ve learned about the blade has come from the lesson you gave! I owe you my life a thousand times over.”

“Then give it to me just once. Join our band. Our swords will sing now the warrior’s song, from the forest to the seas to the sand. Take up arms to join your brothers strong!”

And then the entire band of warriors who had been bringing their circle around Pan and Art closer and closer began to sing as one in a low and powerful voice.

A call goes out to the defenders of the land,

Who will be brave and come along?

Our swords will sing now the warrior’s song…

From the forest to the seas to the sand,

Take up arms to join your brothers strong!

“We’ve dedicated our lives to fighting the Heat, and protecting the lives of those the Monsters threaten to destroy. Join us Pan; you can do so much with us than you could ever do on your own.”

A flicker of movement caught Pan’s eye as he sensed a member of the circle turn and disappear into the forest. But nothing could have kept Pan’s heart from filling to near bursting with joy and anticipation. Finally he had a home; finally he had a cause with which his brothers and sisters would support him. He would be an orphan no longer.


Every new day with Pan’s Family of Knights was the best day of Pan’s life. He met Princes and Princesses both who had thought as he did – that there was more to a Happily Ever After than a life of singing and dancing. They all shared the need and desire to live their Adventures and not be resigned to a prescribed life. He met Prince and Princess couples who had joined Art together; more often than not they had fought together against a Monster to rescue the Princess from her Tower. He met farmers, blacksmiths, tailors, and other common folk; Art welcomed everyone who was willing to lend their lives to protect others. He even met Mothers of some of the Princesses he knew from Triton Castle – there had been plenty of Step-Mothers to take over the lives of Dances and Feasts that they had left.

But what Pan loved most - beyond the battles with hordes of Monsters, beyond the fleeting glances of heartfelt joy and thanks of those they’d save – what he surprisingly loved most was the time just after dinner when the sun was stretching its final reach across the land, and everyone would, believe it or not, sing and dance. What was different about this singing and dancing than the singing and dancing that Pan so loathed at Triton? This was, well, real. The songs and dances that his new Family created were born out of true emotion – not the well-practiced steps or notes he learned in his youth. Each song and dance spoke of the Adventure each man and woman was living each and every day.

Pan danced more dances than he could count. He danced with Gwen, Art’s beautiful wife who had the same melancholy stare in her grey eyes. He danced with Isa, a smiling Princess who fought side by side with the largest and most powerful man Pan had ever seen. Ella was a Princess who always had a bit of soot on her nose from some Dragon she had once fought, but her footwork was so amazing she’d often lose her shoes she’d dance so quickly. Princess Rora was an incredible dancer and warrior both, though she usually danced early and went to sleep before anyone else. Gigi’s dancing was so good it seemed like it was from a different world, and her singing was just as good as her swordsmanship.

And then one night, Pan was turning and thanking his partner for an especially good dance when he found himself staring into the eyes of his new dance partner… and they just happened to be the most beautiful pair of green eyes he had ever seen. Her hair was cut short, but it framed her angled face perfectly. Her nose definitely wasn’t twitching with laughter now; she looked more nervous than he had ever seen her before. She took deep breath, and looked up.

“Hi Pan.”

“Hi Lil. I…”

“Pan, let me explain. I didn’t mean to run away. I mean, I did mean to leave, but I never meant to run. And when Art said that he wanted to invite you to join, us, I couldn’t stand it. What I’m saying is, well, Pan, I…”

“Would you like to dance, Lil?”

“Yes. I’d like that very much.”

And dance they did. And the connection that had caused them to dance the blades with such passion so many years before came back to them in a flood. They twisted and turned across the forest floor, and the voices of their Brothers and Sisters rose to meet their dance. Faster and faster they stepped in the embrace of their dance, and soon all eyes were on them.

Art and Gwen stood watching, and for a moment it seemed that the sadness behind their eyes lifted. Rora stirred from her sleep and tapped her foot in time to their dance. Gigi smiled sweetly with the most genuine joy, tucked her hands under her chin, and whispered, “oh, they are so in love…” Isa and her gigantic Prince nodded their heads approvingly as they watched Pan and Lil, and soon joined their dance with a similar passion. Ella kicked off her shoes and joined as well with her very charming Prince, and before long Pan and Lil were surrounded once again by all the Princes, Princesses, and common folk.

As the music faded Pan loosened his embrace slightly and looked down into Lil’s eyes. As her eyes slowly rose to meet his, both of their lips started to move in unison.

There’s a fate I once pursued,

Now I find it in you.

Let’s live our dream…

“It’s always been you Lil. I’ve always known it. You’re the only one who was living her very own Happily Ever After – you didn’t have to go to school to find out what it was.”

“Pan I…”

She looked up at Pan. Her nose was starting to wiggle, just like it did when she was laughing. Her eyes started to close, and as her head leaned forward, Pan felt drawn deeper and deeper into everything that was Lil. He could hear her heart beating faster and faster – or was it just his own? Her scent was all he could breath, her skin all he could feel. And as their faces drew closer and closer it was as if the entire world held its breath in anticipation of something truly Magical.

And in an instant, the moment was shattered. Lil’s body suddenly shook violently in Pan’s arms. Her eyes shot open with shock and pain, and as her body began to spasm Pan looked in horror at the arrow that was sticking out of her side. He couldn’t hear the rising roar of hasty battle around him. He couldn’t really comprehend why his Brothers and Sisters were scrambling and shouting to take up arms. He couldn’t see his comrades falling to unseen arrows. All he knew was that his world, his Happily Ever After was taken from him as quickly as it had been given.

Pan couldn’t really remember how the skirmish had ended, or how many Monsters there were. He was told later that they were Trolls, and that they had been followed for days – as if that was supposed to make him feel better. All he could remember was that it was over as quickly as it had begun, and that in an instant he was brushing Lil’s blood stained hair away from her lifeless green eyes. His tears fell onto her face, and for a moment it seemed like it was she who wept, that it was she who might have the tiniest spark of life. He knelt down and in a moment of desperation put his lips to hers – one final first kiss. But nothing happened.

Art put a hand on Pan’s shoulder. “True Love’s First Kiss? I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way, Pan. Death is much too real.”

And Death really was too real – He took a part of Pan that night that and never gave it back.


Pan never did lead his Brothers and Sisters into battle quite like he used to, and in the passing months the legendary fear that his name would strike in the hearts of Monsters soon faded away. And as Pan’s skill and fervor faded, so much more did the relentless onslaught of the Heat increase. Attacks were incessant, and Art’s band of brave warriors was starting to lose battles.

Pan still remembered their first defeat. He had never led a retreat before in his life, and this first one had almost cost him his life. He hadn’t made any mistakes, really, but his mind and heart were a million miles away from the battle at hand. It wasn’t even that he thought that much about Lil… it was just he didn’t think or feel much at all. Art watched as the once magnificent Pan lost focus and drive, and knew the time for drastic action was now.

A change definitely had to be made if the Heat was ever to be driven back. The constant attacks had always had Art on the defensive, but he knew that there was only one way to end this with finality – to go West and shut down the Heat at its source. There would be one and only one chance to do this, and it would take a united effort from all the Lands in order to have the slightest hope of success.

Over the next months Art began secretly inviting the leaders of different cities, castles, races, and armies to meet one-on-one about a master plan for success. No one but Art was involved in the meetings, though all of Pan’s Brothers and Sisters watched anxiously as many a famous leader entered their camp to talk to Art in his tent. Pan saw cunning war lords, regal kings and queens, proud elders, and shifty spies. He even saw his old swordsmanship teacher Lance come meekly into their encampment; Art seemed especially cold when greeting him. Sometimes they would leave soon after meeting, and sometimes they would stay for a few days or even weeks. But one evening Pan had one of the biggest shocks in his life: he never expected to ever see her again.

“Oh why thank you for meeting with me Art, you are so kind. I was absolutely honored when you invited me. It makes me feel so good that you can recognize all that the Pink Princesses of Power have done…”

Perfora was dressed of course in her classic pink, but gone was the fanciful and naïve nature that had always surrounded her. Her face was still as sweet and beautiful as before, but it had lost the round baby-like qualities of youth and been replaced with a much stronger beauty. She was the leader of the Pink Princesses of Power – a group of young women who had decided to forgo any sort of “waiting around in Towers” business and taken to fighting the Heat and Monsters with their own hands. They had proven to be a valuable asset in the past few months, not only in driving away danger again and again, but also in giving everyone some much needed hope. When word that the Pink Princesses of Power were coming, you just had to smile. And what wasn’t to smile about? A group of beautiful women who were ever so nice coming to drive away an oppressive force was enough to push the Heat’s power away for a day.

“Oh that is such a brilliant plan, Art! There is not a doubt in my mind we’ll be able to help.” Pan watched as Perfora came out of Art’s tent with a brilliant smile on her face. “But you simply must allow me to travel with your so very brave men and women for a few days. It’ll be ever so wonderful!”

Art of course graciously agreed, and the bundle of pink joyous optimism settled into the camp. And her mood really did do wonders for morale. Everyone remembered what it was they were fighting for; everyone seemed to sing and dance just a little bit harder; and everyone seemed to laugh and smile just a little bit more; everyone, that is, except Pan.

Pan avoided Perfora at all costs. He didn’t know why he did, really, he just felt as though he should. It wasn’t the fact that he left her there in her Tower years before. It wasn’t because she had represented so much of what was wrong with time at Triton Castle. It wasn’t even because everyone thought that they would be the perfect couple if they would ever just speak to each other. But the truth of the matter was that Pan quite scared of falling in Love again. And yet he was.

Everything about Perfora seemed wrong… but there she was: beautiful, charming, and ever so good; and most recently strong, brave, and committed to defeating the Heat. Pan would start to steal looks at Perfora during their evening dances. She was quite graceful, and she made everyone around her laugh. He couldn’t help but be happy when he looked at her, though he often caught himself and quickly looked away when he found himself looking at her for too long. One such evening, Pan was sitting on the edge of their camp watching the dancing when Gigi approached Pan, asking him to dance.

“You know I haven’t danced ever since Lil died, Gigi.”

“Well maybe its time to start again Pan. Come on.”

She took his hand and led him out into the clearing where other Princes and Princesses were dancing. She moved her red hair out of her eyes, took Pan’s embrace, and coaxed Pan into leading them into a slow and simple dance.

“Lil was an amazing woman, Pan. She was. But she’s gone, and there’s nothing you can ever do to bring her back. I lost my Prince Robert a few years ago, and decided then to join Art. It was the saddest moment of my life; I didn’t think I could face that faceless day, but I know he would have wanted me to make something of my life, to keep moving towards my Happily Ever After.” Her eyes misted over for a second, and Pan opened his mouth to say something but Gigi continued. “I know it, Pan. It took so long to convince my Robert that Happily Ever After exists, but even he understood in the end. Pan, go dance with her. Your life is really one big adventure; don’t think you know how your Happily Ever After ends, because you don’t. Go dance with her.”

As the music faded away Gigi squeezed Pan’s hands for encouragement and led him over to where Perfora was sitting, ever so daintily. Pan looked at Perfora, dressed ever so perfectly in pink, and barely got the words out.

“Yes, I would love to dance, Pen! I had been hoping that you’d ask me soon. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other!”

“Its Pan.”

The most beautiful of smiles matched the clearest of laughs. “Of course I know your name is Pan! You take yourself oh so seriously don’t you?” She gave him a playful punch on the arm. It seemed like something Lil would have done. “I’ve never forgotten our first dance you know, back at Triton. It’s always been you Pan, I’ve always known it. You’re the only one who was living his very own Happily Ever After – you didn’t even have to go to school to find out what it was. And it wasn’t me, back then in the Tower. And that showed me so much about what I wanted… there’s so much more than singing and dancing and such! So thank you Pan, thank you ever so much. “

And as they began to dance, it seemed that time stood still. It was not at all like his dance with Lil, and yet so perfect still. She really was ever so graceful, and her spins and flourishes looked amazing. And even though she might not have followed his lead exactly, or done what he expected her to do, she moved with such joy and lightness that Pan couldn’t help but to smile. So what if every so often she’d step on a toe or two. So what if she didn’t take the dances so seriously. So what if she was someone Pan would never have thought he’d end up with in a million years… that was the point of life, the point of Happily Ever After, wasn’t it? They danced every single dance together that night, but soon it was all over. As they parted, Pan smiled for the first time in a long time. Perfora looked up at him with her clear blue eyes, gave him the biggest hug, and turned to join the other Princesses for the evening. Pan stood looking after her, her golden curls bouncing in the moonlight. She certainly did smell good. And she really was quite stunning. And who was he to assume he knew what his Happily Ever After would be? He had been fighting against a set vision of Happily Ever After for so long, he couldn’t even imagine that that might just happen to be what he was meant to live for. As he made his way back to the Princes camp, he found himself humming. He hadn’t sung for such a long time…

My heart's been waiting

For the Love of my Life,

A princess is out there

Who'll be my wife...

And when will I find her I ask of you?

My one true Happily Ever After...


Art was a skilled General, the best that this or any world has ever seen. His ability to lead and inspire was unrivaled, and his tactics were impeccable. His deep strike into the heart of the Heat’s stronghold in the West was an amazing success, as he somehow rallied Princes and Princesses, farmers and peasants, and Kings and Queens from so many different lands towards a common goal. And as the dust settled and the Heat was defeated, normal life was finally able to continue for one and all. The Magic that protected the land and kept its old ways was strong again.

And what of Pan? He went on to start his own Tower for Pre-Princes and Pre-Princesses, where he taught all sorts of things to anyone of any background – not just royalty. Yes, there was Singing and Dancing, and yes, there was Swordsmanship and How to Defeat Horrible Monster classes, but anyone could take any class – potential Princes and Princesses alike. And Pan’s Tower had all the best teachers one could ask for. Art often came to teach on leadership and the history of war; but only on days when Lance wasn’t teaching the sword. Gigi would often come to teach young Pre-Princesses and Pre-Princes how to sing and sew, and about the magic of other worlds so much like our own. Isa and her enormous Prince would teach the finer sides of dancing, and Ella would teach how to enchant common vegetables into powerful tools, while her charming Prince taught how to heal mortal wounds. Rora taught about the strange and magical world of Sleep, and how to keep from slipping into it for too long. It wasn’t long before Pan’s Tower was regarded as the premier place of learning, and the men and women who graduated from his teachings kept the land safe from Evil for generations to come.

And what of Perfora and Pan? Sometimes we think we know best about our Happily Ever After, and whether we should or shouldn’t have it. And most of the time we’re dreadfully wrong. Who we are is What we are combined with When we are, and no one learned that fact better than Pan. And yes, it makes me so happy to say that Pan and Perfora lived Happily, Happily Ever After. No, their lives weren’t perfect and prescribed, and yes, they had their fair share of trials and troubles, but anyone who knew them would say their lives were anything but ordinary… and that is the greatest compliment either of them ever wanted. When finally they left on the final journey for the Lands Across the Seas, hundreds of people joined to see them off, and thousands more celebrated wherever they were to gave thanks to how much their lives had been changed by everything they’d done. And as the winds filled the sails on their ship for their final journey, it too seemed to give thanks to the amazing couple who had changed so much about their world…

...And so the wind doth blow across the land,

Taking with it the grains of Time's sand.

Another tale closes its pages

Until opened again by history's sages

1 comment:

  1. This is my most recent story, written primarily at Coupa Cafe in Palo Alto. I was inspired to write a modern fairy tale after reading an article about how men weren't growing up and getting married because they didn't like the life laid out for them, and how women were affected by it.

    Its a decidedly less dark story from me, which I suppose is interesting too :)
